Monday, August 6, 2012


In our continued pursuit of simplicity we try several times a month to visit new beaches in Florida.  Two weeks ago we visited Siesta Key Beach.  Which is south of Sarasota.  Great place-white sand-little town-shops-really relaxing.  That is where I learned about wrack.  More on that in a different post. That is also the first time since living here Ed & I both got SUNBURNED.  Big time.  No photos from Siesta Key Beach (don't know why- I had my camera) but we plan on going back.
This weekend we headed for Honeymoon Island State Park.  This is a barrier island in the Gulf.  Nature trails, white sand beach, wrack, and something my husband HATES!  SNAKES!

Anyway, the sky was blue, surf was up, and Eddie had to practice his snorkeling.  So, we chilled out, had a great time, and slept with one eye open at all times.  Or should I say -one ear open-so we could hear if something started rattling :)

One of the things I find relaxing is walking along the beach trying to find sea glass.  I've never found any yet. So, I take home instead just one or two unique small shells from various beaches we visit.  The beach walk on Honeymoon Island gave me a special gift.  No, not sea glass or special shells.  Something better...
a heart-shaped stone- about the size of a quarter.  Amazing and romantic!

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