Monday, August 6, 2012


In our continued pursuit of simplicity we try several times a month to visit new beaches in Florida.  Two weeks ago we visited Siesta Key Beach.  Which is south of Sarasota.  Great place-white sand-little town-shops-really relaxing.  That is where I learned about wrack.  More on that in a different post. That is also the first time since living here Ed & I both got SUNBURNED.  Big time.  No photos from Siesta Key Beach (don't know why- I had my camera) but we plan on going back.
This weekend we headed for Honeymoon Island State Park.  This is a barrier island in the Gulf.  Nature trails, white sand beach, wrack, and something my husband HATES!  SNAKES!

Anyway, the sky was blue, surf was up, and Eddie had to practice his snorkeling.  So, we chilled out, had a great time, and slept with one eye open at all times.  Or should I say -one ear open-so we could hear if something started rattling :)

One of the things I find relaxing is walking along the beach trying to find sea glass.  I've never found any yet. So, I take home instead just one or two unique small shells from various beaches we visit.  The beach walk on Honeymoon Island gave me a special gift.  No, not sea glass or special shells.  Something better...
a heart-shaped stone- about the size of a quarter.  Amazing and romantic!


This year Ed turned 60 and it will be our 25th wedding anniversary in Nov.  So, we made a new promise to each other to continue to pursue simplicity.  OK, what does that look like?  It took us a while to come up with a plan but we did.  Try to do the things that bring us joy and relaxation.  No matter what else is going on around us.
One of things that Ed chose was snorkeling!  Notice -I said Ed.  I'm not sure if snorkeling will be relaxing for me...that remains to be seen :)  But I do get joy out of taking his picture while he's practicing.  He plans on scallop fishing in about 2 weeks, and you do that with a snorkel and net.
Ya just gotta luv this guy!

Bloedel Reserve, WA

One of the day trips we went on after the fishing was done was to Bloedel Reserve.  This required a short ferry ride from Seattle to Bainbridge Isle.  The day was gorgeous and all the spring flowers were in bloom!  It is a place that restores the soul!

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Ed Turns 60

June 13, 2012, my sweet hubby turned 60!  So hard to believe how fast the years have gone!  One of his favorite hobbies is fishing.  One of his birthday gifts was a fishing trip with Nate in Seattle!  Ling cod was in season and they caught some BIG ones.  It was a great visit and a real memory maker!

The whole group

Ed & the Capt.

Jack is ONE

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Seattle, WA April 2012

Our son, Nate, accepted a job offer with Amazon.  That decision took him from St. Louis, MO. to Seattle, WA!  I had the chance to visit him there early April.  What a special time.  This has been one of him dream locations for a long time. Congratulations, Nate!  We are so proud of you!

Seattle cityscape 

Mt Rainier

Leaving Lakeland FL - March 2012

Things do strike twice in the Glowacki household.  Flooding apartments and squished houses!
Oct. 2011 we first arrived at our Lake Mirror Tower apartment.  The apt. was on the top floor of the bldg, with gorgeous views of the lake complex downtown.  The first night we where there the roof leaked and flooded the apt - we where displaced for over a week.  The damage never was completely fixed because of insurance issues that were ongoing with management but we stayed--until it flooded AGAIN in March 2012!!  The property manager informed us there wasn't a different apt. available for us to move into because they were full!!  So, I needed to find new diggs and move our stuff out before the end of the month - which was in 1 week!

That search landed us in Wesley Chapel, FL.  It's a great area - lots of new stuff in the last 6 years and Ed could still be close enough to his work.  Ahhh!  Now we can relax..?  We try.

June 2012 we got an email from a friend in Alabama that a hugh tree had just gone thru our home there!  What? We just officially finished the damage from the April 2011 tornado, in Jan of 2012!  I had to see it to believe it.  He sent pics.  So, that process it still ongoing as I blog :)

April 2011
June 2012

Monday, January 30, 2012

Mini Glowacki Reunion 1/28/12

Saturday - Ed and several of his family members located here in Florida, had a small reunion.  It has been over 18 years since I have seen my sister-in-law Kim.  So, it was great to spend the day and catch up.  We promised to get together again soon.  Kim provided great dips, grillin' food, and desserts for everyone.  My niece, Hillary, opened her home, and great backyard, to host the fun event.
Thanks, Hillary & Kim!

Fun in the back yard.

Kim and Hillary

There they are brothers and little sister!  Ed - Kim - Leon

Kim and hubby Dave.

This is Hillary's bulldog, Georgia.  When we weren't looking she helped herself to a little dessert!
By the time this picture was taken she literally "woofed" down 4 slices!

Lt to Rt - Mila ( Hillary's daughter) and Moose's boys - Talon, Tristen, and Tyler - and Georgia

Lt to Rt - Mila, Dave, Kim, Hillary, Georgia, Talon, Tristen, Moose, Tyler, Denise, Leon, Me, Ed.
Hillary's husband, David, left for work before this picture was taken. Moose's wife, Jessica, had to work.

Leon and Denise

 and of course - Eddie and I

Monday, January 23, 2012

Disney Downtown - Jan. 22, 2012

Sunday dawned in glorious fashion here in Lakeland.  Scheduled high temperature of 79 degrees and of course - sunny!  It is actually dry this time of year and low humidity.
So, off to church we went, and decided afterwards we would visit Disney Downtown (35 min. drive from Lakeland).  This is a great area to just take a walk, get a bite to eat, and watch various musical performances.  One of the nice things about this Disney area is that there is no admission charge to Downtown, and even parking is FREE. Since this was our first time here we just decided to explore and take some pictures to share with family and friends.  Sunday is actually a day of rest for the performers.  So, we have to return to see the shows.
As you enjoy the pics...take note how CLEAN the grounds are!  I wish I could of taken a picture of the trash guy.  He was in a WHITE uniform, emptying trash cans with disposable gloves on with NOT A SPOT OF DIRT on his uniform!  I had to go up to him and thank him for the job he did!
Well done, Disney!

One of the things I love about living in Florida...something is always in bloom!
Potted geraniums - Disney Style!

SOME of the restaurants in Downtown.
 This is the place we grabbed a quick bite to eat.  Food was good and we could sit outside.
The menu contained some funny and informative stuff as you can see below.
Lobster club w/onion rings and fish & chips.
Gloaci - Gaelic for Glowacki  :)

We definitely want to go back to see these guys!

Heard of "belly" up to the bar - how about "butts" up to the bar?  :)

Fun stuff to do....
Cirque Du Soleil is performing La Nouba.
Acrobatics and exciting live music, blend to produce imagination and the impossible in perfect balance!

Disney Quest - indoor interactive theme park

Don't be fooled!  It's AMC ala Disney.  This is NOT just another movie theater - one of the theater rooms is the Fork & Screen -offering casual in-theater dining while watching a movie (age 18 and older).  Another area is Cinema Suites -which is premier, in-theater dining with luxury recliners in an intimate setting (age 21 and over).  Just want to see a regular ole show?  They have a theater for that too!

Shops in Downtown...
OK, there were several shops to browse through but when Ed and I saw the LEGO store we had to get out the camera!  In the following pictures all the characters are made entirely of LEGOs!  The pictures don't do them justice but believe us when we say ...
"They were amazing"!

 The little things...notice the mouse outline in the fence above.

We had a great day!  Guess we're just kids at heart...