Monday, January 30, 2012

Mini Glowacki Reunion 1/28/12

Saturday - Ed and several of his family members located here in Florida, had a small reunion.  It has been over 18 years since I have seen my sister-in-law Kim.  So, it was great to spend the day and catch up.  We promised to get together again soon.  Kim provided great dips, grillin' food, and desserts for everyone.  My niece, Hillary, opened her home, and great backyard, to host the fun event.
Thanks, Hillary & Kim!

Fun in the back yard.

Kim and Hillary

There they are brothers and little sister!  Ed - Kim - Leon

Kim and hubby Dave.

This is Hillary's bulldog, Georgia.  When we weren't looking she helped herself to a little dessert!
By the time this picture was taken she literally "woofed" down 4 slices!

Lt to Rt - Mila ( Hillary's daughter) and Moose's boys - Talon, Tristen, and Tyler - and Georgia

Lt to Rt - Mila, Dave, Kim, Hillary, Georgia, Talon, Tristen, Moose, Tyler, Denise, Leon, Me, Ed.
Hillary's husband, David, left for work before this picture was taken. Moose's wife, Jessica, had to work.

Leon and Denise

 and of course - Eddie and I

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