Wednesday, January 11, 2012


It's always a great joy to have family and friends stay with us for awhile. On Christmas day, our friends, Bob & Shar came and we enjoyed catching up, appetizers on the roof deck and 78 degree weather.  New Year's holiday we were blessed to have Josh, Deb and Eli visit for several days. The kids got to enjoy Lakeland, Clearwater Beach and Eli learned how to play the harmonica! In only a 635 sq.ft. apartment, and one bathroom - we made it work, and had fun too!
Appetizers on the roof deck
Playground by the apartment

Eli on the big boy swing

Playing the tubular bells with Daddy

Chasing bubbles

As the temperature reached 80 degrees - Eli enjoyed the fountains in the playground!

Eli loved the waves at Clearwater Beach
Worn out and ready for bed!

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